AM Best

BestMark for Delegated Underwriting Authority Enterprises

Leverage Your Best’s Performance Assessment (PA) for DUAEs

Delegated underwriting authority enterprises (DUAEs)* can showcase their Performance Assessment (PA) by displaying their BestMark for DUAEs in marketing materials.

Obtain a BestMark

Entities with a Best’s Performance Assessment can highlight an AM Best press release pertaining to their company with the BestMark for AM Best Press Release. For more information, visit our BestMark for AM Best Press Release page.

DUAE BestMark Logos

BestMark usage sample

PA-1 is shown for illustrative purposes. The BestMark a DUAE receives will reflect their actual PA score.

About BestMarks for DUAEs

A BestMark for DUAEs communicates AM Best's forward-looking, independent, and objective non-credit opinion. It can be used to promote expertise and effectiveness to other parties, such as investors, venture capitalists, regulators and insurer partners.

BestMarks for DUAEs demonstrate that the organization has undergone AM Best's rigorous assessment process, and provides a uniform, independent global benchmark from a respected third party.

A BestMark can be featured in marketing materials such as websites, print ads, brochures, web ads, social media, email signatures, business cards, and conference and events materials. It's available in black, blue and gold to complement the style of your marketing materials, with a white BestMark available for use on dark backgrounds.

BestMark guidelines are explained in the Guide to Proper Use of Best’s Ratings & Assessments.

*A DUAE is a blanket term for managing general agents (MGAs), managing general underwriters (MGUs), coverholders, program administrators, program underwriters, underwriting agencies, direct authorizations, and appointed representatives.