AM Best

Get a Best’s Performance Assessment for Delegated Underwriting Authority Enterprises

A Best’s Performance Assessment (PA) for Delegated Underwriting Authority Enterprises (DUAEs*) is a powerful tool for DUAEs to promote their capabilities and expertise to other parties – investors, venture capitalists, regulators, and insurers. It provides a forward-looking, independent and objective non-credit opinion of a DUAE’s ability to perform services on behalf of its insurance partners. 

Best’s PA for DUAEs gives DUAEs of all sizes and in all segments the opportunity to differentiate themselves in the marketplace and establish a global benchmark of their ability to service their business partners.


Contact Us

To begin the performance assessment process or obtain additional information, please use the following contact list based on region.

RepresentativeMobile PhoneOffice

USA, US Territories (Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands), Bermuda, Canada and Caribbean

Brad Mazur, Managing Director+1 908 268 0763USA (NJ)
Brendan Tyne, Director+1 908 323 1412USA (NJ)
Todd Burrows, Senior Account Manager+1 908 268 5642USA (NJ)
Daniel Giunta, Account Manager+1 908 455 6249USA (NJ)

Latin America and Caribbean

Carlos De la Torre, Managing Director+52 55 7903 5420Mexico City

Europe, Middle East and Africa

Nick Charteris-Black, Managing Director+44 7515 575290 London


William Mills, Senior Director+44 2073 970323London
Riccardo Ciccozzi, Director+44 7718 975239London
Róisín Gallagher, Associate Director+44 7751 400495London

Middle East, North Africa, South and Central Asia

Vasilis Katsipis, General Manager+971 5298 41419Dubai

Sub-Saharan Africa

Edem Kuenyehia, Director+44 7894 833399London


Rob Curtis, Managing Director+65 9633 6118Singapore
KaiJun Chan, Market Development Analyst+65 9824 2401Singapore
Judy Li, Market Development Analyst+65 9636 3678Singapore
Johnathan Wong, Market Development Analyst+65 8940 9780Singapore
Simon Saensurin, Market Development Associate+65 9795 8952Singapore


* DUAE is used as a blanket term to capture Managing General Agents (MGAs), Managing General Underwriters, Coverholders, Program Administrators, Program Underwriters, Underwriting Agencies, Direct Authorizations, and Appointed Representatives.