AM Best

Get a Best's Credit Rating

A Best’s Credit Rating (BCR) is a forward-looking, independent, and objective opinion regarding an insurer's, issuer's, or financial obligation's relative creditworthiness. The opinion represents a comprehensive analysis consisting of a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of balance sheet strength, operating performance, and business profile or, where appropriate, the specific nature and details of a security.

Learn more about the benefits of receiving a Best's Credit Rating, how to initiate the rating process, and how to leverage your Best's Credit Rating in the marketplace.


Contact Us

To begin the rating or non-rating opinion process or obtain additional information, please use the following contact list based on region.

RepresentativeMobile PhoneOffice

USA, US Territories (Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands), Bermuda, Canada and Caribbean

Brad Mazur, Managing Director+1 908 268 0763USA (NJ)
Brendan Tyne, Director+1 908 323 1412USA (NJ)
Todd Burrows, Senior Account Manager+1 908 268 5642USA (NJ)
Daniel Giunta, Account Manager+1 908 455 6249USA (NJ)

Latin America and Caribbean

Carlos De la Torre, Managing Director+52 55 7903 5420Mexico City

Europe, Middle East and Africa

Nick Charteris-Black, Managing Director+44 7515 575290 London


William Mills, Senior Director+44 2073 970323London
Riccardo Ciccozzi, Director+44 7718 975239London
Róisín Gallagher, Associate Director+44 7751 400495London

Middle East, North Africa, South and Central Asia

Vasilis Katsipis, General Manager+971 5298 41419Dubai

Sub-Saharan Africa

Edem Kuenyehia, Director+44 7894 833399London


Rob Curtis, Managing Director+65 9633 6118Singapore
KaiJun Chan, Market Development Analyst+65 9824 2401Singapore
Judy Li, Market Development Analyst+65 9636 3678Singapore
Johnathan Wong, Market Development Analyst+65 8940 9780Singapore
Simon Saensurin, Market Development Associate+65 9795 8952Singapore