Best's Credit Rating Methodology (BCRM)
A comprehensive overview of the credit rating process, which consists of quantitative and qualitative evaluations of balance sheet strength, operating performance, business profile, and enterprise risk management.
Best's Insurance-Linked Securities & Structures Methodology (BILSM)
Outlines the process for rating insurance-linked securities and insurance-linked structures (ILS), and offers insight into the information requirements, key rating considerations, risk modeling and surveillance activities that are generally applied by AM Best.
Any methodologies marked as "Draft" below are currently in a public comment period. Market participants and other interested parties are invited to provide formal comments regarding these drafts. Formal comments may be submitted at any time on the existing (i.e. published in-use) methodologies.
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For call for public comments, we may publish the responses received on our website, in full, including the contact information of such respondents, unless respondents have indicated otherwise. Please make your selection above. Comments will be published in the results of consultation section of this website (results of consultation).
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