AM Best

Initial/Preliminary Rating Disclosure

Disclosure in accordance with the requirements of point 6 of Section D of Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009: Initial reviews or preliminary ratings provided on entities or debt instruments by A.M. Best Europe Rating Services Ltd. (AMBERS).

For the purpose of the public disclosures that are provided in accordance with point 6 of Section D of Annex I of the CRA Regulation, a CRA is understood as providing an initial review or a preliminary rating of an entity or debt instrument where all of the following conditions are met:

  • i. a CRA provides a creditworthiness assessment in respect of an existing or proposed issuer or debt instrument;
  • ii. the creditworthiness assessment is communicated using the same established and defined rating symbology as it would for a public credit rating (although a CRA may use a prefix or suffix to denote that the assessment differs from a credit rating); and,
  • iii. the result of the creditworthiness assessment is not a public credit rating but provides an indication of the public credit rating the CRA would assign to the issuer or debt instrument if the CRA were to receive a mandate.
LEI of entity ISIN of debt instrument NAME of entity or debt instrument SEGMENT or ASSET CLASS of entity or debt instrument DATE initial review or preliminary rating was provided [Additional Field 1] [Additional Field 2] [Additional Field 3]
549300ILJXDR1ESUI992 Accelerant Re Ltd. IN 18/01/2022
549300347P7WDH7RJ025 Selecta Ins & Reins Caribbean IN 27/01/2022
9845001D4BDC2AD1AR26 Aquilano Insurance PCC Limited IN 01/04/2022
213800ZPIJG2HWOKGX70 Marine Insurance Company Ltd IN 05/04/2022
635400PUDJ8XTX9SFW67 RSA Insurance Ireland DAC IN 05/04/2022
213800PT2YLSYDVYLA41 RSA Luxembourg S.A. IN 05/04/2022
213800TWB86O896DND08 Royal & Sun Alliance Reins Ltd IN 05/04/2022
549300347P7WDH7RJ025 Selecta Ins & Reins Caribbean IN 21/04/2022
549300HDMFUKLFWRCQ05 Accelerant Re (Cayman) Ltd. IN 25/07/2022
894500956WBMVH10FN18 Nepean Reinsurance Limited IN 22/11/2022
Arab War Risks Ins Syndicate IN 06/12/2022
5493009PZSGI92XBPF31 Legal & Gen Reins Co No.2 Ltd IN 07/12/2022
Seven Re AG IN 16/12/2022
Seven Re Ltd IN 16/12/2022
Starr Intl Ins (TH) Public Co IN 16/12/2022
3912005U32NK3DLDYA34 Zurich Insurance plc IN 16/12/2022
984500A8F6B60E098534 IQUW Holdings Bermuda Limited CO 19/12/2022
9845003BFC6E982DAF12 IQUW Re Bermuda Limited IN 19/12/2022
894500FQGWT9J9GSR130 Newpoint Reinsurance Co Ltd IN 31/03/2023
635400FAORNLSOTURC82 Damaan Islamic Ins Co 'BEEMA' IN 04/04/2023
549300YX6HECG9XQCQ75 Aspen Insurance Holdings Ltd CO 12/04/2023
894500FQGWT9J9GSR130 Newpoint Reinsurance Co Ltd IN 25/05/2023
Apex Insurance Company LLC IN 10/07/2023
JSC Insurance Co Aldagi Group IN 18/07/2023
213800C7TB1NMAUN9S64 Bridgehaven Specialty UK Ltd IN 01/08/2023
549300YX6HECG9XQCQ75 Aspen Insurance Holdings Ltd CO 22/08/2023
213800FSQ29M4EK1L167 Casualty & Gen In Co (EU) Ltd IN 23/08/2023
549300YEYDFL99EJ7G81 Aviva Insurance Limited IN 27/09/2023
Tanzania Reinsurance Co Ltd. IN 28/09/2023
213800X5UHKV2UWAE715 Accelerant Insurance UK Ltd IN 04/10/2023
Société Nationale d'Assurance IN 30/11/2023
Soc Comm Gabonaise Réassur IN 12/12/2023
Stein Insurance Company Ltd IN 05/01/2024
Ma'aden Re Limited IN 09/01/2024
213800JJJ33QAP6PW280 Marco Re Limited IN 06/02/2024
213800JJJ33QAP6PW280 Marco Re Limited IN 23/02/2024
TDB Captive Insurance Company IN 15/03/2024
National Grid Insurance USA Lt IN 29/04/2024
724500D3EHHJWKLWY913 TT Club Mutual Insurance N.V. IN 09/05/2024
Mohandes Insurance Company IN 11/07/2024
Egyptian Takaful Ins Co IN 26/07/2024
KAFOLAT Insurance Co JSC IN 01/08/2024
9845003BFC6E982DAF12 IQUW Re Bermuda Limited IN 06/08/2024
Ethiopian Reinsurance S.C. IN 21/08/2024
Sharq Insurance LLC IN 23/08/2024
213800V9ER2YVVND1U15 Equator Reinsurances Limited IN 05/09/2024
549300DN67LE71JUBF85 QBE Blue Ocean Re Limited IN 05/09/2024
JSC Uzagrosugurta IN 24/09/2024
Société Nationale d'Assurance IN 03/10/2024
5299007FNTNU3NBQPQ17 Helvetia Schweizerische Vers IN 04/10/2024
254900NR5KMC2AGO8H16 HDFC Intl Life & Re Co Ltd IN 08/10/2024
National Grid Ins USA Ltd IN 19/11/2024
37890092DC55C7D94B35 Santam Limited IN 03/12/2024
213800FSQ29M4EK1L167 Casualty & Gen In Co (EU) Ltd IN 04/12/2024
213800V9ER2YVVND1U15 QBE Capital (Global) Ltd. IN 05/12/2024
549300DN67LE71JUBF85 QBE Capital Ltd. IN 05/12/2024
SanlamAllianz Re Ltd IN 20/01/2025
Mohandes Insurance Company IN 30/01/2025
213800E6WDT9WF4OXL64 Liva Insurance B.S.C. (c) IN 05/02/2025
Liva Insurance SAOC IN 05/02/2025
Al Khaleej Takaful Ins Co QPSC IN 06/02/2025
029200428G6N7AI6G645 Linkage Assurance Plc IN 19/02/2025
Trust Insurance JSC IN 21/02/2025